Actress Kareena Kapoor will be seen in the sequel to Rohit Shetty's laughathon GOLMAAL, titled GOLMAAL RETURNS. The sequel stars Ajay Devgan, Shreyas Talpade, Arshad Warsi and Tusshar Kapoor.
GOLMAAL RETURNS is a part of a 3-film contract with Shree Ashtavinayak Cinevision Ltd. The actress will work with the production house for three more films till 2009, after Imtiaz Ali's untitled venture [co-starring Shahid Kapoor], which is due for release in October.
The first of her next three films is GOLMAAL RETURNS. Its shooting will commence in November in Dubai, while the other two films are still in the scripting stages.
Labels: Kareena Kapoor