It is official that nine days down the line, no Khans including the top three Khans will attend the grand and much awaited Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya wedding. Aamir is not a close friend to invite, Shah Rukh is obviously not invited but the star sure wishes his best luck for their married life and Salman Khan, who was rumored to have been personally invited for the weddings, is all surprised to hear the media even decided his wedding gift for Abhishek when he was not even invited. Not just the three of them but also Farah, Feroz, Sajid, Zayed and Saif have been excluded from the invitee list. Sources say, “Karan Johar, Sanjay Dutt, Ajay Devgan, Kajol and Sunil Shetty are the only stars to be invited. They are all close to Abhishek. If they hadn’t been invited, it would definitely have been strange.” And the reason cited for all the major exclusions is Teji Bachchan’s health. Strange thing is that when Shweta and Nikhil Nanda were getting married, Big B made a similar small list and cited Harivansh Rai Bachchan’s deteriorating health as the reason. Also ponder that even when Amitabh and Jaya Bhaduri got married, only 15 members were invited. So instead of all the sorry reasons Bachchans can just say they want to keep the wedding a very private affair. Ooph…kya nakhare!
Labels: Abhishek Bachchan, Aishwarya Rai